Remind me why I'm still breastfeeding?

I’ve kind of fallen out of love with breastfeeding, there I said it! My baby boy has more teeth coming through and his preferred teething rings are my poor nipples.
Now I’m trying to be patient and I know we’ll get through this. So, I’ve written a little list to run through in my head each time he flashes those milky whites.

Five reasons why breastfeeding rocks:

I can eat all the cake – Yep 500 extra calories just for me. That roughly translates to about 2 fancy cupcakes a day, yum.

I’m saving money – It’s month two of my Maternity Induced Poverty and it’s comforting to know that I’m saving £550 a year by breastfeeding. That’s like a new pair of shoes every month!

I can have a lie in – Thanks to round the clock feeds in the early days, I’m owed about 3000 sleeps-in and I happily remind my husband of this fact whenever he has a day off.

I can be lazy – Aside from my lie down feeding, aka my accidental co-sleeping habit, breastfeeding allows me to bypass all of the sterilising, kettle boiling and scoop counting (I’m tired just writing it) and pull out a boob whenever my baby needs milk.

I get the look – Not the look from the old couple sitting opposite me in Costa. I’m talking about those sparkly eyes and the cute little smile which my boy saves, just for me, when it’s time for his bedtime boobie. It melts my heart and makes any accidental nips (pardon the pun) 100% worth it.

Ok I’m convinced; I adore breastfeeding and am probably going to carry on until my boy gets his wisdom teeth – Just kidding!

If you think breastfeeding rocks, please comment below or tweet me

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  1. Yes breastfeeding rocks! Through the hard times & the good times we are doing some great for our child & ourselves. Let us remember our breastmilk is helping those pearly whites as it is a pain relief & helping to form good strong healthy teeth. Enjoy your journey x

    1. Thank you, that's a lovely reminder indeed. I hope you're enjoying your breastfeeding journey too! Xx

  2. I breastfed my youngest for two years. It's far easier than bottle feeding and is absolutely wonderful!

  3. It is, he's settled down today but it's so nice knowing I'm not the only one still at it. Xx


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