Are parents qualified to look after a toddler?

As a former Early Years professional and a parent, I have to say that Save The Children’s rather sweeping declaration that' 'every nursery in Britain needs a qualified teacher' will feel like a kick in the teeth to many childcare professionals and parents. According to them, no amount of early years training or parenting experience can match a teacher, fresh out of university, when it comes to educating our 2-year-olds. While I agree with Save The Children (and the 13 Doctors, Physicians and Education Specialists who have put their names to the report ) about the importance of early learning, I do not think it necessary to have toddlers taught by teachers. Children learn the most in the first five years of life. Their brains are like tiny neuron filled sponges with connections and pathways just waiting to be made. The only way this can happen is by exposing them to as much of their environment as possible, particularly through sensory and physical play. If th...