Time to tighten the purse strings,for some

Today the government's new child benefits criteria came into effect. Apparently it will stop high earning families from claiming benefits. The government guidelines say that families with one parent earning over £50,000 a year will be affected by the change. I agree with idea, people shouldn't receive benefits unless there is  a genuine need for support. However, I don't think the criteria is very clear or fair. Especially when you consider that two parents earning £49,000, respectively, would still be fine and dandy to receive all of their child benefits.  But, a family with one breadwinner earning £51,000 would not be so lucky. Where's the sense in that?

While we're on the subject of senseless actions. The government has also unveiled plans to change the housing benefits system. Under new rules, which come in to effect in April, People on housing benefits will be penalised if their home is considered too big. the government doesn't seem to think that a brother and sister under the age of 10 deserve the 'luxury' of their own personal space. If parents disagree and give children their own rooms, they can expect to receive a 14% reduction in their housing benefits.

Not only do these ludicrous ruled affect many families already on the breadline, there are some unforeseen (I hope) casualties of the system too. My local council's adoption and fostering guidelines say that they will not discriminate against people based on Class. But since prospective applicants will need a spare room for their new child, how can they not? I wonder how many children will miss out on a good home because people couldn't afford to keep a room free,

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