5 reasons I love being a mum of one.
Is it me or is everybody reproducing? It feels like everywhere I look my friends, family and workmates are either pregnant or have recently given birth. Now I'm not usually the type to succumb to peer pressure but, I am feeling a wee bit broody and this madness needs to stop!
I absolutely love being a mum and every day with the little man is magical and fun. But, being a mum of one means I always have a free hand!
Recently there's been a little voice in my head that just won't quit "It's just one more," or "look how cute they are," my treacherous mind tells me.
To help me to stay strong and ignore my broody self, at least for another decade, I've made a little list of some of the reasons I love being a mum of one.
- I always have change in my purse: Sure it's only a little bit of change but I have noticed an increase in financial freedom since the little man started school and I don't want to go back to the nursery fees hell. I barely got out alive last time!
- I can stay put: Our two bedroom apartment is roomy enough for the thee of us and I'm in no rush to relocate.
- I can keep Betsy: I love my little Betsy car, she's reliable and serves me well. Her boot is on the small side though and I don't think she would accommodate and extra pram, never mind the car seat and the baby!
- Hotels are cheap: Most hotels don't mind letting us share a twin or double room. The little man is still small enough to snuggle in a bed with us.
- I get the best of both worlds: Although I have a hectic schedule, being a mum of one does leave me with a small window of time to see my friends or go on dates with the other half. That window would be smaller than a mouse hole if I had any more babies and I like mummy time too much!.
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