Inspire a generation, GB takes gold.
Last night I watched the Olympic opening ceremony with baited breath, so often the organisers of big events like this get it wrong. It could end up being too drawn out and long winded like the Jubilee Pageant. Or worse we could end up making a spectacle of ourselves like every British Eurovision contestant for the last 10 years.
Thankfully I needn't have worried, the ceremony was a visual masterpiece which shone a glimmering light on all of our unique quirks and the astounding talents which make our tiny islands Great. I had a lump in my throat throughout the entire ceremony. Never have I felt so proud to be British and for once, thankfully, the organisers got it right.
Inspire a generation
It may sound cliche but the children are the future and we need to invest in our future. More than that we need to inspire them to succeed, show them the results of perseverance, hard work and determination. Although the games have barely started I suspect that the Olympic slogan 'inspire a generation' has already been fulfilled.
Young people watching last night received a truly great, British history lesson which they won't forget in a hurry. In two short hours they discovered some of the most creative, intellectual and athletically talented people, past and present, who have changed the world. It couldn't have come at a better time, in the current climate young people need something to believe in. The preceding generation has left behind bad debt and low prospects. The are more than two and a half million unemployed young people in Britain today. The number accessing further education has fallen, largely thanks to the hike in university fees and the current governments decision to axe the Education Maintenance Allowance, which was brought about to help those from poorer backgrounds.
In England it is common knowledge that people have a low opinion of the younger generation, they are fobbed off as a gang of disrespectful, self entitled brats.
Last year we saw the image of young people in this country descend even further into the gutter.When a small minority pillaged our communities with scenes of fire, violence and destruction, widely broadcast for the world to see. Terrible scenes yes, but no more terrible than corporate fat cats going berserk with the nations savings or our rich politicians paying for everything from a toothbrush to a home extension with the public purse. No, we haven't exactly set a shining example ourselves.
I could have hugged Danny Boyle last night, children had a staring role throughout the entire ceremony and the next generation of Olympic hopefuls lighting the torch was so poignant it didn't need words.
If we expect this great nation to move forward we need to show them that we are willing to invest. But we need to invest ourselves, our time, our money and our guidance.
Last night we gave young people a resounding message 'we believe in you' and belief is what they need. Belief can make all the difference between a young aspiring athlete and a delinquent gang member.
*picture from
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