Time to banish the mum pouch: update
I said I’d post an update after 8 weeks – it’s more like 10
because the 2 weeks I fell off the exercise wagon totally don’t count. I’m at the halfway point and honestly, I’m
starting to see some improvements. The mum pouch is slightly less; I’ve
rediscovered my collarbone and the tiny dents in my arms (under a certain
light) could pass as biceps. Progress! I’ve lost 4lb and 8 inches, 4 each from
my hips and waist. A result is a result
(even if this is less than I hoped, nay, prayed for) and this one is largely
down to a combination of weight training, running and cycling. I’ve been mixing
it up by doing whatever I feel like on the day but have made sure to fit in at
least 4, hour long sessions a week.
I have to be completely
transparent though, whilst I am happy with these teeny results I know I can do
better. Exercising alone won’t bring about the changes I’m after. If I want a
toned tum and arms that make Davina weep, I can’t come home from a weights
session only to sit down for a session twice as long with sky box sets and a
yard stick’s worth of Toblerone. It’s
time for me to address the cake shaped elephant in the room. I have to hold my
hands up and admit that, while I’ve made every effort to get active, my diet is
like that of a toddler let loose in Cadbury’s factory. I don’t really ‘do’ the whole
diet thing, no will power I’m afraid. I have to have my treats!
Now things are going to be different, I can’t bring myself
to use the D word but for the second half of my battle to banish the mum pouch
I will be making some, let’s call them adjustments, to my eating habits. More
water, less caffeine, more fruit less Fruitella, that sort of thing. Locking
the cupboards and removing the light from the fridge will help with the evening snacking,
slash suppers, too.
Here’s hoping that the key to washboard abs is not in the
kitchen. I will update in another 8ish
If you have any belly blasting tips remember to tweet them over.
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