Time to banish the mum pouch!

Sorry, I'm sure my pictures are TMI for some of you - it’s certainly too much for me every time I look in the mirror - but public shaming is necessary here folks because my mum pouch (or that saggy flap of skin below my naval) is the bane of my existence. 

I suspect people think I’m a bit of a narcissist when I mention the mum pouch but this is because I’ve become an expert at hiding it. High waist jeans and granny knickers are a god a send - the pouch can simply be tucked in and concealed - but I’m the one who has to look in the mirror every morning knowing that I’m not happy with what I see. Weight and shape are two entirely different things and whilst I like what the scales show me, my current shape is similar to that of a deflated balloon.

It’s not like I haven’t tried either. I stayed active throughout my pregnancy and regular swimming, cycling and running sessions have helped me to shake of most of the baby weight but this belly won’t budge!

I’ve been forced to take a long look in the mirror (stretch marks and all) and have decided that professional help is what's needed here. I’m not a fan of the gym – I much prefer the benefits of exercising outdoors in natural light – but I’ve bitten the bullet and signed up to a training plan in the hope that the lycra clad gym bunnies can help me to tone up and find my abs.

So this is it. I’m giving myself 8 weeks, the exact amount of time before I have to return to work (sob), to make a change and I’m determined to see some results. 

Wish me luck and watch this space…

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