The family that runs together...

For the past year I've well and truly caught the running bug. It started off innocently enough, a little jog here, a park run there. Before I knew it I'd signed up for my first half marathon, then another and another. Emboldened by my success I signed up for the mother of all races, the full  marathon.

I'm pleased to report that, as of three weeks ago, I became a marathon runner!

But, my running journey hasn't been a solo voyage. My two favorite guys have been with me every step of the way. They came to cheer for me at the finish line, they cycled along side me as I ran around the parks and they even let me laze around on a Sunday with sore legs after my long runs!

Then something truly amazing happened. My guys caught my running lurgy too! The big man pulled on his running shoes and trained hard to join me for my second and third half marathons. He completed his first solo half marathon in September, with the little man and I waiting to cheer him on at the finish line.

The little man insisted that we start our own family run club and we've been enjoying family runs around the park every other week. He now has two shiny medals of his own!

Looking back the biggest thing I've gained (apart from eternal bragging rights) from competing in the race is, a beneficial recreational activity for the whole family. We were never a lazy family but there's no denying that our family health and activity levels have improved greatly as a result of us running together.

I recently read a report by NCB which shows that England is falling way behind other developed countries in the fight against childhood obesity. For us exercising as a family has been a great way of improving our health and ensuring we spend time with each other. 

We're currently training for our first Christmas fun run as family!

For more information about improving yours or your family's health  click here


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