Top five tips for saving money...

So last month I wasn't having the luckiest of times with my bank account. M y account was hacked, I had a transaction go wrong and encountered a backwards cash machine which gobbled up my card and took my money too! As a result I had to cancel my card three times, leaving me with no bank card for an entire month. What I had viewed as an extremely annoying inconvenience has turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Not having instant access to my money helped me to pace my spending and ensured that I only took out only the money I needed. If I had to purchase something I hadn't planned for during the week, I would need to go to the bank to withdraw the money and I soon realised it wasn't always worth the trip. By the time my card arrived I had saved a considerable amount of money and was keen to find more money saving ideas to help improve family finances ... Here are my top five tips for sav...