Time to turn it off and stop comparing...

The irony of writing a negative post about social media on social media is not lost on me, but I have a Facebook hiatus coming up and I am ridiculously excited. The highlight of our family vacation (apart from spending endless time with my three darlings obvs) has to be the turning off of my mobile phone. The house is safe, thanks to the in-laws, and the people I generally worry about 24/7 are with me, so off it goes in my case until our holiday is over. Without the tiny blue flashing device to distract me the change is instant: I’m more aware of the conversations happening around me (as opposed to muffled background noise), I care less about what other people are doing and I realise that right here, right now, the life I’m living - while not perfect - is pretty freaking awesome. The new buzzword being thrown around is mindfulness , feel the moment, be at one with the moment (blah, blah, blah) but it really does pay to take the time out to just be. To ex...