News Feed Bombing

A friend of mine recently made a dramatic announcement. She’s giving up on social networking. Yes, giving up on Social Networking! Once I’d picked myself up from the floor I was able to enquire as to the reason for such a drastic ‘life event’. Apparently my dear friend, and fellow mother, has grown sick and tired of seeing pictures of ‘couples and kids’ in her news feed. So nauseated is she by the sight of loved up couples and bouncing babies that she’s had to throw in the social networking towel completely. Although, my friend is a bit older than me and her children are all grown up, she is very much ‘down with the kids’ especially where technology is concerned. I decided to check it out for myself and quickly discovered that she was right. When I browsed my own news feed, it was indeed full of happy couples and brand new babies. Far from needing a sick bucket I actually enjoyed seeing so many happy pictures in my news feed. So why was my friend so bo...