Tips for keeping our children safe in the modern world.

Lately, it feels like every other story in the news has been about some kind of horrific crime or accident involving a child. Although I try to avoid reading such stories, it’s hard to tune out and the snippets I've been exposed to are just heart breaking. It would seem, in today’s modern world, that there are dangers and eerie strangers lurking around every corner. Parents have instant access to shocking, fear inducing stories from around the world. And although it’s good to stay informed, I feel the sheer volume of information at our fingertips is striking the fear of god into us. Though many might disagree with me, I’m not convinced that there’s any more danger around now than there was 20 years ago. I do believe that the nature of these horrendous crimes and accidents have changed over the years but has the number? It’s sad that our streets are scarcely filled with the sound of children out playing and there’s hardly a camera in sight at the local ...